Voluntourism Holidays

Our Voluntourism is designed to integrate voluntary services into your travel experience in a meaningful way, experience a depth of cultural immersion on these volunteer trips.

image description
Best Seasons:All year Round at your time availability
Popular Location:Nepal,Himalayas

Volunteer Trips

    Photography and Film Making

    25-30 Days

    Show with your images and video how beautiful Nepal is and how we help local communities and immerse yourself in Nepali Culture at homestay-style accommodation.  

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      Medical Volunteering in Nepal

      20-30 Days

      Volunteer in remote Nepal and immerse yourself in Nepali culture at homestay-style accommodation in rural villages and immerse yourself in Nepali Culture.

      Based on 0 Review

        Construction Work Volunteer

        25-30 Days

        Volunteer in construction to overcome the desperate lack of infrastructure in Nepali schools and remoteĀ  villages and immerse yourself in Nepali Culture at homestay style accommodation

        Based on 0 Review

          Teaching Volunteering in Nepal

          25-30 days

          Join a once in a lifetime opportunity to contribute to teaching English and explore Nepal as a local and connect with isolated monks and Himalayan children

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