Booking Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

We respect your privacy. All the information provided given to us shall be treated with high confidentiality and will not be used for other purposes. These Terms and Conditions shall govern the contractual relationship between you (hereinafter, “The Client (s)”) and Beyond Himalayas (hereinafter, “The Company”) with respect to the purchasing of products and/or services (hereinafter, the “Product(s)”). We shall accept your reservations and bookings under the terms and conditions mentioned below and the cancellation policy of The Company as well as certain limitations of liability. Any disputes arising during the trip shall be resolved through the reference to these Terms and conditions. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before purchasing The Products with The Company.

(Note: The terms “we”, “us”, “our” and such shall also refer to Beyond Himalayas. The term ‘you’ ‘your’ and such refers to the customer/client (s) visiting our website, booking a reservation through our website or otherwise using our services)


When The Company has received the applicable deposit or full amount from The Client and the Client has also received the confirmation from The Company of booking The Product(s), a booking is confirmed and The Terms and Conditions shall apply. The Client who confirms to the Terms and Conditions is deemed to have agreed to provide full, complete and accurate information as requested by The Company.

Clients, who confirms a booking on any Products with more than one Client named and booked on such booking, represents and warrants to The Company that:

1:they have the required authority and consensus on behalf of the other Clients named for a particular booking, and have clearly communicated all necessary information, including the Terms and Conditions, to the other Clients so that other Clients are well informed before providing the authorization for the booking purpose;

2:the information that they are providing regarding all clients is complete and accurate, and they have obtained all necessary consensus and permissions to share such information with The Company for the purposes of completing the booking; and

3:They will inform all other named Clients on the relevant booking regarding the applicability of these Terms to the booking and the Clients’ relationship with The Company. Before your booking is confirmed and a contract comes into force, the Company reserves the right to make changes in the brochure prices


The participant has to be in good health and physical fitness for all the trips/ packages offered through our company. We recommend a physical examination for all travelers before booking their trips. Clients are responsible for assessing their own suitability, requirements and capability for the package/ trip along with the risk they face due to special conditions or limitations in mobility, physical or cognitive disability, pregnancy or various other physical or mental conditions with reference to their participation in the trips.

We advise our Clients to consult with their physician regarding their fitness for travel, and for strenuous activity in particular. The Company encourages its Clients to seek their physician’s advice regarding necessary medical concerns for period of the Client’s travel with The Company. We do not provide medical advice to the Clients. The Company may refuse to carry pregnant women or Clients with certain conditions, however if suitable, alternate products or services can be arranged.

The trekking and other challenging packages provided by The Company, by its nature, involves the visit to the rural or underdeveloped regions where the medical facilities may not be similar to those found in a Client’s home country. The condition of medical facilities in the countries in which we operate varies and we make no representations and provide no warranties in relation to the standard of such facilities or medical treatment in those regions.


As the travel insurance is mandatory, we strongly suggest you to be insured under a travel insurance that covers against any pre-existing medical conditions, natural calamity, emergency repatriation (including helicopter evacuation and Air Ambulance), personal accident, trip cancellation, loss and curtailment of luggage and personal liability. You must be able to produce the proof of the insurance as requested by The Company’s employees or suppliers. The Company has the right to cancel or suspend your participation on a trip or in certain activities that comprise part of a trip, at any time, including after the commencement of your trip, with no right of refund, if you are unable to provide proof of insurance when requested.


For trips in Nepal, you are required to make a non-refundable advance payment of  25% of the trip cost at the time of booking  to guarantee your place as it helps  us to make pre -arrangement of domestic flights ,hotel and transportation on your behalf .in case any occurrences arise that you might need to cancel the trip, we rather recommend you to postpone or change  your trip against of cancelling it. The remaining amount is due no later than two months prior to departure. Such non-refundable deposit amount should be sent to the Company representative either by transferring to company’s Dollar $ account or by any means of money transfer. Your booking will be confirmed by email once we have received the deposit Please also send copy of your passport or any ID copy .
Customized trips of the company may have different deposit or full payment amount at the time of booking. Such difference shall be notified by the company to The Client at the time of booking. For trips except in Nepal, if clients book 21 days or less to departure, on their own, full payment is due whereas in case of such arrangement to be made by the company on client’s request before 25 days of trip departure, a non-refundable deposit of 25% is due along with due airfare.


Final payment on trekking, tours, climbing, expedition or any kind of trips in Nepal can be made upon arrival in Nepal. It can be done through bank transfer, travel check, cash or by Credit Card (Visa or Master Card). There is 4% surcharge when the payment is made by cards (for all payments including deposits, final balances, trip extension and miscellaneous purchases.) Regarding trips except in Nepal, final payment should be made 15 days prior to the trip start date.

In case of late bookings requests received by Beyond Himalayas prior the tour departure may require full payment before we can request a place on a tour. If we cannot confirm the booking we will refund you in full amount paid to Beyond Himalayas.



Cancellation by client shall be of effect after the cancellation by the Client is made in writing and subsequently acknowledged by The Company. The date on which the request to cancel is received by the Company or its Agents shall determine the amount (or percentage) of cancellation charge applicable.

The cancellation charges are expressed hereafter as a percentage of the total tour price:

(i) Cancellation prior 60 days or more before departure: No penalty unless stated as non-refundable.

(ii) Cancellation 59-21 days before departure: 30% of cost of services booked.

(iii) Cancellation less than 21 days before departure: 50% of cost of services booked.


The Company shall reserve the right to cancel any trip if possibility of the trip isn’t guaranteed.

The Company shall reserve the right to cancel any trip prior to departure due to reasons beyond its control. In such a case, The Client is entitled to the refund of trip price only. In case a guaranteed departure is cancelled, The Client is entitled to refund of the trip price, or an alternative trip of the same value. In case the departure and arrival dates remain unchanged, the alterations do not include a change in airline carrier, flight time table or itineraries, the substitution of a vessel, modification of itineraries, and change in cabin category or hotel accommodation provided it is of the same category.

We are not responsible for any expenses or substantial losses such as visas, vaccination, non-refundable flights or train, loss of earnings etc, incurred by the Client as a result of such cancellation.


In case of the flight delay or cancellation owing to bad weather The Company shall bear the departing city accommodation (budget hotel) and food costs prior to your trip. However, in case of delayed return flights, the client is responsible to bear all additional expenses including food and accommodation costs and cost for alternative arrangements for return.

Moreover, The Company does not accept any responsibility for costs incurred as a result of missed international flight, but would assist to make alternative arrangements wherever possible.

Note: While on the field, we may have to make some changes in the itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances.will no doubt create some change in the actual dates of the programme. Sometimes, flights may be cancelled due to mountain weather conditions or technical problems. In such case, Beyond Himalayas will help you to charter a helicopter to ensure you are on schedule for your flight. The minimum cost will be US$500 and maximum US$3500 depending on the number of group members.


You agree that Beyond Himalayas may use images of you taken during the trip without recourse or compensation to you, for publicity and promotion purposes only through whatever medium it chooses.


Due to local and unavoidable circumstances such as flight delay, cancellation or postponement due to notorious weather in the Himalayan regions or other unpredictable circumstances, accommodation and itineraries may change without prior notice, even after the tour has started. The Company is shall not refund any taxes under the above circumstances due to prior supplier arrangements.

We shall not be liable for loss on employment, delays or compensation resulting from situations beyond the Company’s control.

The Company reserves the right to revise pricing rates posted in our marketing material, under any circumstances, or due to external factors such as changes in exchange rate, government action and other factors beyond our control.


The Client must have a passport having a visa valid 6 months after the duration of the trip. For visa of Nepal, Clients get availed to that on arrival. For other nations s/he has to make necessary arrangements. We are not liable for denial of entry to any nation due to lacking of correct visa and visa documentation on part of the client(s).


Owing to the voluntary or involuntary departure from the tour due to sickness, death of family member, etc or owing to late arrival on the tour, The Company shall not provide discounts or refund monies for such missed or unused services.


It is sometimes the case that trekkers finishes the trek  ahead of schedule or they end up stopping a trek early for health or personal reasons. If this is the case please understand that we do not offer any refunds for unused days on the trek. Our costs will be  the same as we have an obligation to pay our guides and porters for the time they have committed.


We serve our Clients in the best possible manner with sincerity and honesty. However, the entire program is conducted strictly under the rules and regulation of other suppliers’ own policies on various offerings made to the Clients in case we have the agency role between the Client and the supplier(s).

Thus, we shall not be liable for any changes in the itinerary due to unavoidable circumstance beyond our control such as government restriction, land slide, road blockage, flood, snow, political unrest, cancellation of flight, delay, sickness or accident and any extra cost incurring thereof shall be borne by the clients on the spot.


The Company shall have the ultimate authority to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. Clients must refer to the current version of terms and conditions posted on the website and the same Terms and Conditions shall be referred to in case any dispute arises between The Client and The Company.